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TipSheet is an online discussion page for the various aspects of Forward Motion that may come up from time to time. Queries and answers about Forward Motion to and from me will be posted here. Got a question about Forward Motion? Email me and I’ll post it here. Keep coming back as the answer to your questions may already be listed.

To enhance your learning experience, I'll be adding tips on different ways to learn and use the exercises, references and links to musical quotes and whatever else comes up that I think you'll find interesting and applicable.

As I’ve often stated, FM is not an theory book nor an exercise book. It is a “conceptual” book. Any improvisational theories found herein are for the express purpose of giving an overview of how FM applies universally to all improvisational and compositional techniques. The book’s focus is to impart to the reader the “idea,” the “concept” of FM so that eventually all music is perceived and played in FM.

The FM techniques in this book are, excepting the chapters on Harmonic FM and Superimposition, for the most part Basic FM in that most of the early chapters examples approach basic chord tones. However, it will be obvious to the reader that all melodies don’t resolve on basic chord tones on the 1st. and 3rd, beats of the bar. As the 1st. and 3rd, beats of the bar are resolution beats they don’t swing. One of the most common methods used to impart tension or a feeling of motion to a resolution beat is to have non-chord tones fall on these strong beats. For example, examine Charlie Parker‘s most amazing composition “Quasimoto.” There are repeated instances where non-chord tones are falling on the “on“ beats giving the impression that he’s not applying FM concepts. However, examples of this abound in musical liturature and would appear, at first, to violate FM's "rules." Take another look at the example of Dizzy’s tune “The Champ” again. Not only do all the tension notes from the Bb diminished scale fall on the strong beats, the strong beats are given further tension by being anticipated by a half a beat. This is an example of Advanced Forward Motion.


How To Print The Internet Musical Examples

I've received many comments from Forward Motion fans wishing they could print out the ebook so they could read it "off screen."

Firstly, the print capacity has been disabled to prevent unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material.

Secondly, you wouldn't want to print it out anyway.

As the document is being sold as a download to be viewed on a computer screen, it has been "Optimized." Optimizing reduces the file's memory content so it can be quickly downloaded. If you printed out the book's almost 200 pages as single-sided text it would be an inch and a half thick and weight 3 pounds. Not very portable indeed! It would also be mostly illegible as staff lines and notes would be missing.

You can print out the internet musical examples on a Mac or PC by taking a "Screenshot" of the musical examples on your computer screen:

On a Mac:

Take a Screen Shot of the musical example by clicking on Command + Shift + 4. The curser changes into a crosshair. Use the crosshairs to outline and select the muscial example. A "Picture" file will appear on your desktop. Click on the picture Icon to open it then go to "Page Setup" in the "File" menu. Reduce the printing size to 75 percent and print.

On a PC:

Non MAC users can take a snap shot via the "Print Screen" (this functions as a "Copy" action) button on the keyboard. The activation of this button differs from keyboard to keyboard e.g.: CTRL+SHIFT+PRT SC (For windows, there is a button to the right of F12, Prt Scrn). Open an application such as Word and click Edit --> Paste, and the screen shot will be inserted as an image. You can then resize the image by dragging the handles. 

Another way to print the examples on a Windows operation system is by using freeware tools like "PDF-creator". They basically work like a printer but create PDF files. Take your pick of them at the URL below

Download your choice at: